Every beginning of a new year gives new promises. These promises sometimes take the form of resolutions, “this year I will finally loose those last x number of pounds.” “I will complete my buckets list.” or “I will be a better person.” And so on and so forth. I love new beginnings because they give me a starting point, like… Read more »
Confession: it’s been a busy few weeks. Currently, I am typing this blog post one handed while the 3-month sucks on my fingers–his favored pacifier. Pictured above is Week 3 and I have Week 4 that I had to renew yesterday because we’re a little behind in our reading, and housework, and schoolwork. You know what, life, we’re behind in… Read more »
We’re in Big Trouble, Blackboard Bear By Martha Alexander When things start disappearing over night, the children all point a finger at Anthony and the bear, calling them a thief. Anthony and Blackboard Bear make things right by returning the stolen things by using a creative chalkboard drawing. It’s hard to give a review on this. It was a ho-hum… Read more »
It all started with a seemingly innocent remark from a friend of mine. She commented on she was at the library and realized that she could make an entire school year curriculum on just the library. It got me thinking on how little I really know what the library has in terms of literature. I have a list of favorite… Read more »