Monthly Archives: June 2015

College education, Life Insurance, and Four Things I’ve Learned

What does life insurance and college education have in common? Well, for us it became a matter of needing to provide for my family after my husband is gone. Where does obtaining college education fit in all this? Well, I knew I couldn’t squeeze the budget any more to add in life insurance monthly costs. There is nowhere else to… Read more »

So, what is there to do during the Summer?

(Drawing done by my 6yr old. I looked around one day and saw this on his desk. I can’t even draw that well.) Am I the only one that finds Summer much more busy? Everyone is out of school, everyone wants to get together typically I find myself more rushed and stressed then anything else. During the Summer months we… Read more »

A Financial Tip- Planning for Activities on a budget

I get to be a soccer mom this week. I have never been a sports mom. Ever. My daughter does ballet but beyond that, I haven’t really done the whole sports thing. Well, this year we decided to try the Basketball camp offered by the town. The times on these are weird. 11:00am-1:00. You eat before, its more time for… Read more »