I have a not-so-secret addiction: books.
Addiction: Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry.
If had to buy all the books I want to read, we would be broke, super quickly. Also there are several books that I thought I would be very interested in and never finish because they weren’t what I was expecting. Can you imagine the loss in purchasing many books and then never finishing them? Since we homeschool, I am always looking for additional resources to add to our expanding grades and learning! To avoid late fees (that can pile up so quickly), I first look at the due date, and then I look at our calendar to see what our schedule is like, then I write down when to return the books based on when we will be out and about anyway! If we have an activity scheduled, I make sure there is a post-it note as a reminder to drop off the books, along with our needed items for that activity so its sure not to be missed. There are many little tips and tricks that can help you remember to return items on time in order to avoid late fees but the biggest thing is to get into a habit/routine of doing them consistently.
You can also get pre-overdue notices (which will send an email a few days before the item is due) but it is only available via email.
Thank you for the tip! Straight from the local librarian’s fingers!