If you have ever played the game Monopoly? Then you understand that there comes a point when you don’t even care that you may be ahead, you just want the game to be over. Two to three hours is more than anyone can take of purchasing, paying, and passing go. Our financial journey can be a lot like a game… Read more »
Its the middle of the month. Halfway there. This week started off strong, but one needed purchase began a spiral of events that could have change things for the worst, had I not used the steps outlined in my first post from last week. Monday and Tuesday went great. My son had taken my husband and me out for dinner… Read more »
The numbers stared at me. My pen felt frozen in place. My brain kept saying over and over, “I don’t understand!” For the past few months, we really have seen a decrease in our finances and my goal was to not buy anything that we didn’t need. But, I was not as diligent in monitoring that or thinking about each… Read more »
Drop the expectation cycle! The things that generally are the sneaky money consumers are the things we expect. Birthday parties with themed plates, napkins, and whatnot. Christmas with everyone getting x-number of toys per kid at certain value, etc. Be upfront with your kids. Explain what is going to happen so that expectation is low, and see what you can… Read more »
That’s it! It’s the month we’re taking charge of our finances and going to move forward with the intention on being the boss of our money rather than its employee. Money talks are scary right now. There are even rumors about us heading into a recession and I get it, while you can’t take to heart every bad news that… Read more »
I think quite often, and I am speaking to myself here as well, we get stuck in a rut that says “this is how it looks like for this family and yet that is not how my family dynamics work so I cannot use this method (or tip or whatever the case may be),” without looking at the end goal…. Read more »
I caught myself doing something lately. Something that is costing our family more money than it should. Money that could easily be saved for something worthwhile. Do you want to know what it is? Replacing things. Does that make you scratch your head? Lemme explain. Quite often I see ripped clothes and I add them to the recycling pile and… Read more »
It’s not a new phenomenon, women have been resourceful at bringing extra income in for their family for centuries. Egg money, babysitting, laundry, etc! Sometimes I think it’s easy to get into a rut of what to do when we are faced with so much we have to do that we are unsure of what we have time to do…. Read more »
It’s the best rendition I could do of the infamous Where Have All The Flowers Gone. Where have I been? Where is this blog going? What else would you like to know? To be honest, I just have/had no more juice in me. Anne Shirley dramatically said… Read more »
I have recently made my first purchase through the website, thrivemarket.com . I don’t normally sign up for things like this. I generally find that its cheaper to purchase through Costco, Trader Joes, or Azurestandard co-op. However, new subscribers would get a free trial month, a free jar of almond butter, and 15% off their first order. With shipping being… Read more »
I love freezer meals. There have been many a day where I have been saved by the Crockpot phenomenon. Dinner is waiting for us when we get home from Church or a long day away. On our crazy activity days (ballet, jiu jitsu, and my daycare in one afternoon) I can schedule dinner for the crockpot and not even be… Read more »
I could obviously tell you to skip the over-priced coffee… but I am not that cruel, yet. However, one way that I learned how to cut the price of that coffee and still get a fairly close enough taste of the real thing is to ask for a “americano, with such and such syrup added (cinnamon dulce, anyone?) with room… Read more »
When you have a carton of ice cream, don’t you try to squeeze every last bite out of it? What about the Ketchup bottle? The salad dressing? Peanut butter? This might seem like a very extreme cheapskate tip but there is a mental process behind all this. When you take the extra steps to get every last drop, crumb, blob… Read more »
Politely decline “home parties”. Or, be honest and upfront, you don’t have the money but you wish them the best success. If I attended every party I was invited too, I could easily end up spending hundreds a month. That is not feasible. It’s super hard to do this because I want to show support for small businesses and when… Read more »
Now is when stores are trying to clearance and clean out their winter inventory. Now is the time to see what your child will need for next season! The most common excuse I have heard not to do this is that parents don’t know if the child will be one or two sizes bigger by next year. Buy 2 sizes!… Read more »