Category Archives: Homekeeping

30 Meals You Can Make for $5 or Less

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January is coming up and it is the time for goals and tightening of the belt– in more ways than one. Probably the biggest one that every one thinks about and plans for is tightening of spending. Christmas brings a lot of spending and usually in January everyone tries to rebuild their bank account with limited spending and other strategies…. Read more »

5 Recipes For Your Leftover Thanksgiving Turkey

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Are you trying to figure out what to do with all that leftover turkey? Here are my top go to meals! Tortilla Soup: This recipe will serve between 8-12 2 cups of chopped turkey 1 diced onion 4-6 cloves of chopped garlic 1 can of diced chilis 1 can of diced tomatoes chopped mushrooms 1 can of corn (if desired)… Read more »

The Top 5 things I’ve learned with No Spend Month

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Its the middle of the month. Halfway there. This week started off strong, but one needed purchase began a spiral of events that could have change things for the worst, had I not used the steps outlined in my first post from last week. Monday and Tuesday went great. My son had taken my husband and me out for dinner… Read more »

5 Tips to Set you Up for Success for No-Spend-November

The numbers stared at me. My pen felt frozen in place. My brain kept saying over and over, “I don’t understand!” For the past few months, we really have seen a decrease in our finances and my goal was to not buy anything that we didn’t need. But, I was not as diligent in monitoring that or thinking about each… Read more »

Strengths and Weaknesses | This Thing We Call Parenthood

As I sat digging in the soil and planting my spring flower bed, I  contemplated on the things that parents are plagued with day-to-day; namely, am I doing a good job as parent? I was thinking about how we need to cultivate our children’s strengths and then as I really sat moving soil, pulling weeds, and seeing a beautiful picture… Read more »

Decluttering, New Year Goals, and Life Lessons

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Last week (?) I issued a challenge on my Facebook page; I challenged my readers to get rid of 5 things that “will help you in the new year.” Please don’t think that because this challenge has passed that you shouldn’t jump in. In fact, stop reading right now, take a quick glance around you, or maybe you already have… Read more »

What is it like living in a small home?

I get asked this question a lot. “How do you manage it?” “How many bedrooms again?” “How much square footage?” “Are you one of those small house people?” “How many people live in that house?” and many more. The reality is this, we’re working towards moving, but I have done this for 10 years and complain and grumble about it… Read more »

Freezer Meals- Gluten-free and budget friendly

I love freezer meals. There have been many a day where I have been saved by the Crockpot phenomenon.  Dinner is waiting for us when we get home from Church or a long day away. On our crazy activity days (ballet, jiu jitsu, and my daycare in one afternoon) I can schedule dinner for the crockpot and not even be… Read more »

What Could Today Possibly Bring? Wednesday on the Homestead

It is after 10:30pm. I am enjoying the quiet evening hours. The house is asleep and apart from the dark barking across the street at random intervals, the silence is the only thing I hear. Home-school this week has been a little bit more difficult then the blissful beginning that last week brought us. But, I kind of knew that… Read more »