Category Archives: Menu planning

30 Meals You Can Make for $5 or Less

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January is coming up and it is the time for goals and tightening of the belt– in more ways than one. Probably the biggest one that every one thinks about and plans for is tightening of spending. Christmas brings a lot of spending and usually in January everyone tries to rebuild their bank account with limited spending and other strategies…. Read more »

2 Week Menu Plan: Adaptable for Dairy Free, Gluten Free, always.

I am one of those parents that if the kids aren’t eating the food you put on the table, and you tend to have more leftovers than usual, maybe you’re getting in a cooking rut. I do tell my kids that if they are hungry, “eat what is in front of you” but variety is more my style. I’ll be… Read more »

Freezer Meals- Gluten-free and budget friendly

I love freezer meals. There have been many a day where I have been saved by the Crockpot phenomenon.  Dinner is waiting for us when we get home from Church or a long day away. On our crazy activity days (ballet, jiu jitsu, and my daycare in one afternoon) I can schedule dinner for the crockpot and not even be… Read more »